What We Do

The Alabama Construction Industry Craft Training Board (CICT) provides grant opportunities for craft training programs within the commercial construction industry. Our mission is to support training programs in building a qualified workforce to meet the growing demand for skilled craftsmen and commercial construction workers in Alabama.

Grant Guidelines
Entities Eligible to Apply for Funds Include
Alabama business "for profit"
Alabama business “not-for-profit”
2-year accredited postsecondary institution recognized by the Alabama Community College System
4-year accredited higher education institution recognized by SACS
Trade unions
K-12 education entity recognized by the Alabama State Department of Education

Training Program Grant Applications

Training proposed in the grant application should be tied to a specific skill or trade. The training format can be craft training, apprenticeship, or other effective training models. The maximum amount that can be requested is $100,000 per trade, per year. The grant program follows the state fiscal year, October 1 - September 30. All applications for the current fiscal year must be submitted by June 15. Applications submitted between June 16 - September 30 will be for training beginning in the upcoming fiscal year.

CICT Grant (Fiscal Year 2025)

Max Grant Award: $100,000

Application Dates: June 16, 2024 – June 15, 2025

Training and Reimbursable Time Frame: Grant Execution Date (earliest date of October 1, 2024) - Sep. 30, 2025


Task Grants

The CICT Task Grant is for short term training tied to a specific construction task or skill. The maximum funding award is $15,000 per grant.

CICT Task Grant (Fiscal Year 2025)

Max Grant Award: $15,000

Application Dates: June 16, 2024 - June 15, 2025

Training and Reimbursable Time Frame: Grant Execution Date (earliest date of October 1, 2024) - Sep. 30, 2025


Career Tech Construction Grant

The CICT Board has allocated funds for a new grant type for K-12 education entities recognized by the Alabama State Department of Education. Each commercial construction training program, per school, may apply for up to $20,000 with a limit of no more than five programs per school. These funds may be accessed prior to training program purchases. Funds may be used to purchase small tools, curriculum materials, and consumables.

Career Tech Construction Grant Guidelines

Receiving this grant will render the grantee ineligible from receiving any other types of CICT grants in the same grant fiscal year.

Max Grant Award: $20,000

Application Dates: June 16, 2024 – June 15, 2025

Training and Reimbursable Time Frame: Grant Execution Date (earliest date of October 1, 2024) – Sep. 30, 2025